
Why Visual Merchandising?

The Perfect Storm... Fashion, Furniture, Theatre, Architecture, Advertising...

Growing up in Chicago and Ohio, Daughter of an Advertising Executive-- Ever see Mad Men?  Entrepreneurial at a young age. Painting rocks to sell. Rendering pastel portraits for a Dayton, Ohio Corporations Executive gallery of fame. Babysitting (never met a child I didn't like.)

With college came the choice. Advertising or Theatre. So theatre it was.

Costuming. Fabric Junky. 

Federated Department Stores gave me the extraordinary opportunity to exercise my creativity as a visual advertiser. Creating moods, environments, theatre for the consumer to experience. 

...and the story goes on. 1991. A career change. 

Now working as a to-the-trade talent resource for the interior design industry. 

Fabrics. Art. Architecture.

Always the Details. 

Always Creating.